It's Mothers' Day on Sunday I believe. I made these photo designs because I thought my youngest son might like to sell them at school as cards. He goes to an all boys school, and most of them won't have organized themselves to buy cards for their mums, I'm sure. He loves to sell sweets, illegally, for a small profit, but it always seems like a lot of effort for little return. So I suggested I could make him a batch of cards to sell for a better profit. You'd think he would have been delighted, but he's decided that it's just too 'neeky' and he won't do it! He was horrified when I suggested he could also batch buy some nice sweets or chocolates, wrap them in cellophane and tie with a bow, to sell with the cards. Okay, maybe that is a step too far in a boys' school, but the cards...? I tried to explain that a budding entrepreneur needs to be one step ahead of the pack, but I don't think we'll be seeing him on Junior Apprentice!
As for me, I hate breakfast in bed as a Mothers' Day treat. I prefer to curl up on a sofa with a lovely plate of toast and marmalade, a pot of tea and a good book, left undisturbed for a couple of hours. Moreover, nothing beats a card handmade by my children, I will encourage them to eschew all the above.